Reviews and Awards -Green Jobs, Innovation, Latinos, Entrepreneurship, Green Business, Sustainability, Careers
2012 International Latino Book Awards, New York City
*1st Place, Best Business Book
*1st Place, Best Nonfiction eBook
*2nd Place, Best Nonfiction Young Adult Book
1st Place Winner, 2012 Latino Books into Movie Awards, Documentary category, at the L.A. Times Books Festival. Details here.

"Highly recommended for public libraries." REFORMA book review. April 2012. "Latinnovating (Lah-TEE-no-vay-ting). If the title doesn’t catch your attention, author Graciela Tiscareño-Sato’s inspiring stories will. The ten Latinos she profiles are making a significant impact on the growing green economy through culturally inspired innovation and resourcefulness. From the artist who designs with recycled materials to the environmentally conscious venture capitalist, the subjects covered in the book span a wide range of green occupations. Tiscareño-Sato, a graduate of the University of California Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design, is well versed in the topic which is evident in the book’s clear, thorough and approachable style. Each chapter provides useful resource lists and primers designed to help students and entrepreneurs make informed decisions about the education and experience that may help them realize green opportunities. Timely and relevant, Tiscareño-Sato’s book is a welcome addition to any library collection seeking to inspire Latinos of all ages to exciting career paths."
Reviewed by Monica Chapa Domercq, Principal Librarian,Oceanside Public Library, CA
"I was inspired by the green technology that you mentioned that ALL young people looking for careers should be aware of. Your writing was clear and concise. I liked your format of short paragraphs that added white space to the pages, making them easy to read. I liked how you emphasized education and listed the degrees and schools of the people you highlighted in this book...Perhaps your book is as valuable for the young people as it is for the older people who are in a position to help the young people reach those goals. Only a well-written book on such an important subject would make readers feel WE haven't done enough. That's good writing. Congratulations on an important book. I hope you find a way to get it into the hands of many readers."
Judge, Writer's Digest Magazine, 21st Annual self-published book awards
"In recognition of Earth Day 2012, I am proud to present a review of the book Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them. Latinnovating, by author Graciela Tiscareño-Sato, explores the lives, ambitions, and influences of ten Latino business owners who have dedicated their entrepreneurialism to maintaining green business ventures. Latinnovating is essentially a series of well-developed case studies of the ten entrepreneurs and uses their stories as inspiration for students and professionals alike. Published last year, Latinnovating has already earned many accolades and propelled Tiscareño-Sato as one of the top Latina sustainability leaders. Read more...
Reviewed by Jonathan Mikulich, Latino Branding Power
"It is refreshing to read about Latino innovators in the environmental industry and how many of our cultural values have inspired these leaders to think green! According to Tiscareño-Sato, a UC Berkeley graduate and former military aviator, we do not often hear about successful Latino business people and she decided to help us change the conversation. REAL people, REAL stories."
Frances Palacios, Founder, Palacios Productions, Editor a TRUE Latina Magazine
"What wonderful work you did in the book. I recommend Latinnovating to Hispanic and non-Hispanic entrepreneurs as an example of how to succeed personally and in business. The book is a great resource for those looking for inspiring and practical stories on how to innovate in the green field. In the examples you give in the book, it is abundantly clear how important is to plant the seeds of reusing, believing in our capacity to go forward with our ideas, and the power of continuously educating ourselves, especially in our youth and in our little Latinos. As a mother of a Latino child, I can see how our culture influences him teaching conservation, re-use, self worth and the value of higher education. Reading this book brought within me feelings of pride. It gives Hispanics a great resource of role models that can be emulated by our children.”
Marcela Hede,
“Latinnovating was well written. I was introduced to new concepts: blending environmental values into careers and using childhood lessons of conservation for innovation. It made me think of how I am surrounded by examples of reuse. The phrase “Think globally, Act locally” is also mentioned. It makes me think about not overwhelming myself to help the planet. Frank Ramirez is an inspiration to me. He became an Eagle Scout (leadership), was top of his graduating class in high school (studious), and helped his family (balance). He graduated from Stanford and went into an energy career field. I want to do what he did but in my own version.”
Navpreet Khabra, Student, Tennyson High School, Hayward, California
"If you've ever had doubts about whether you can do good for the planet with your own business, think again. The environmental and green business movements have long been populated by caucasians. However, here are precious insights from Latinos and Latinas who have pushed past obstacles and stereotypes to create new pathways for themselves; as an Asian-American, I can appreciate how difficult it is to find such success stories. In addition, many handy weblinks and resources are sprinkled throughout the book. Finally, Graciela's writing makes for an enjoyable read that is accessible to a wide audience, and I recommend that you hear her in person if you ever have a chance. Muchas gracias, Graciela."
From reader Larry C
Informative and Inspiring
"I spent a good week reading and reviewing the material provided in this book. The book introduces us to 10 different innovators, shares their background, how they came into their perspective field. The factors and the moments where preparation and opportunity met which enabled them to create jobs. What I also found helpful is the book has wide appeal. It is just as valuable for people in career transition as it is to high school or college students. Lastly as an advocate for education I treasure the role models presented to our community through this stories. The fact that they are all Latinos is a bonus!"
From reader education advocate #1
"Revelatory and timely, Latinnovating is vital reading for job seekers and career changers, as well as entrepreneurs seeking ideas on how to make their own businesses green."
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