Latina speaker on Green Jobs, Innovation, Latinos, Entrepreneurship

Invite Graciela to speak to your employee group, university students, association conference, media event. Call (510) 542-9449 to inquire. See Graciela presenting and watch video testimonials at the Latinnovating channel on YouTube.

K-12 administrators - watch this 86-second video to understand how Graciela informs, inspires and motivates students, administrators, teachers and parents via workshops and presentations.  Get author's Speaker Sheet here.

Upcoming Speaking Events are in the calendar below:



Prior speaking engagements, testimonials


Keynote Annual Student Conference on Latino Affairs (SCOLA) Professional Institute, Texas A & M, March 2016 as seen here. Day 2 presented a workshop titled "The Art of the Informational Interview."


November 6, 2015 - Keynote Address - Dual Language Conference, Education Service Center-Region 20, San Antonio, Texas

"Graciela is a multi-faceted businesswoman, setting her sights on providing effective and efficient information with the target of promoting and enhancing the lives of Latinos in a global fashion.  Her journey takes her through education, as well, as she is determined to push through the myths of Latino children in education as English language learners.  Her support in San Antonio, Texas during the 2015 Dual Language Conference, held at Education Service Center-Region 20, inspired educators of all levels in the field as she made her vivid, authentic stories come to life through the many connections with participants she created during her presence.  Graciela’s keynote address, and later intimate gathering with educators, provided these educators with a newfound passion for teaching and reaching all English language learners.  Her numerous experiences and keen eye for learning and supplying her knowledge to others are guaranteed to promote a powerful punch in your program." - Clarissa Dovalina, M.Ed., Educational Specialist, Bilingual/ESL, Education Service Center Region 20, San Antonio, Texas


"True to the conference theme, “Embracing the Heart, Enriching the Mind,” Graciela Tiscareño-Sato touched hearts and minds in her keynote address at the Region 20 Dual Language Conference in San Antonio. Challenging teachers to reconsider their student expectations, Graciela related how she started school speaking no English and through the help of caring educators became an accomplished student, aviator, businesswoman, and author. Not only did Graciela inspire teachers to view their English Language Learners through a future lens, she also taught practical strategies for developing writing skills during a following break-out session. Through these conference presentations, Graciela rekindled passion and ignited a desire in many teachers to help their students become the leaders of tomorrow." - Marcy Voss, Boerne ISD Special Programs Coordinator, Boerne, Texas

November 17, 2015 - AAUW Branch Keynote presentation, Moraga, California

"Your presentation yesterday was so well received.  Everyone - including myself - enjoyed hearing about your amazing life and what you have accomplished. An inspiration to us all!  Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to visit our branch and share your life story." ML Miller, AAUW OML Chapter member

August 15-22 -Americas Symposium on Cultures Based Innovation, The Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta, Canada (with global network of scholars and practitioners)


August 23 - Personal Branding Workshop at V-WISE conference, Boston, Massachusettes

August 27 - Panelist: "Women and the Hidden Color Barrier" San Francisco, OKTA offices

May 21st - Cal State University Los Angeles School of Business and Economics - Keynote Speaker at the 6th Annual Business Pitch Contest. Presentation slides here as pdf.

"Graciela spoke to the hearts and minds of entrepreneurship students in a way that made a lasting connection. She brought to life the fundamental connection students have to innovation and entrepreneurship in the Latino community.  A thoroughly enjoyable and informative talk!"  —Dr. Angela Young, Chair and Professor, Management Department, Editor, JBA, College of Business and Economics, California State University, Los Angeles


photo credit: CSULA

April 23rd - Naval Air Station Lemoore, Lemoore, CA -Akers Elementary School presentation

April 21: Cal State University - East Bay - Topic: Sustainability Roles in the Green Economy

April 14: Cal State University - East Bay - Topic: Leadership and the Cesar Chavez Legacy 

April 9th, Berkeley, CA - Latina Tech Entrepreneurs Policy Discussion, Details in image below.


Latina Innovators Embracing STEM

Hispanicize 2015, Miami, Florida - Lightening talk + Panel Conversation

Enjoy Graciela's Hispanicize Event recap (song titled "A Few of My Hispanicize Things" (to the tune of "A Few of My Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music," with photos) HERE.
Download here as ppt with audio; download as simple pdf here.









Environmenal Protection Agency, Region 9 Headquarters - Lunchtime Keynote speaker in San Francisco - Veterans Day celebration - November 18th


#LATISM14 [Latinos Technology and Social Media] National Conference, in Anaheim, CA

Friday, November 14th - PANEL speaker, Tecnología track - "Latinos leading innovation in STEM fields"- Hear from successful Latino innovators who chose STEM as a career path. What triggered them? what sparks their creativity? who made the biggest influence? Let's learn from them in order to build a whole new generation of innovators and makers. Will be joined by these Latino Leaders: Wendy Rivera Alfredo Ayala Salvador Mendoza

Saturday, November 15th - PANEL speaker - Latinos Changing The World - Breakfast- Meet the champions that are changing the destiny of Latinos in the country. Get inspired by their journey and join their causes. Can't wait to converse and exchange ideas with these leaders!  Celia Ayala (Early Childhood) Ashley Chico (K-12) Felix Ortiz (Entrepreneurship) Graciela Tiscareño-Sato (Inclusion) Giovanni Rodriguez (The Big Picture)


Nov. 5-6th Chemeketa Community College, Salem, OR. Multiple classroom presentations and evening community presentation on Latinnovating case studies. Keynote speaker at campus-wide celebration for Veterans Day.

"Graciela’s presentation at Chemeketa Community College located in Salem, Oregon was a tremendous success with our student audience and our campus community. She was able to deepen our insight into women in the military with an educational, engaging, and humorous style. Graciela is a pleasure to work with, and her extensive knowledge on the military was appreciated by all who attended. The students asked great questions, and the time she spent answering those questions was experienced and passionate. We want her to come back to Chemeketa Community College." -Linda Ringo-Reyna, Multicultural Student Services Coordinator

Latinas Think Big™ INNOVATION Summit, October 3rd at Google HQ in Silicon Valley. Leading roundtable discussion on entrepreneurship topics. Press release is here.

LATINAStyle Magazine Business Series. Moderating:Latina Entrepreneurs Spotlight: Lessons Learned panel, August 28th. San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel.








Americas Latino Eco Festival, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, September 11-16, 2014. Press release of event is here. Watch and listen to the cool Festival video here. Participation details follow:

September 12th at the Hotel Boulderado - Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them will receive an Americas Latino Book Award in the Non Fiction category.

September 13th - Graciela will participate in a panel discussion titled GreenLatinos Forum: Why Environmentalism Matters to Latino Americans and why we are the Solution and not the Problem. Boulder Weekly paper featured the panel here.

September 14th - Graciela will lead a panel titled “Latinnovating the Environmental Movement” with several conservation leaders discussing examples of Latinos’ long-time participating in and readiness to lead the movement.

September 16th - Graciela will lead a keynote forum at the Latino Chamber Business Expo portion of the festival. Titled Latinnovating® -- a gathering of Latino leaders in the green economy: environmental entrepreneurs and innovators.” She was joined by one of the women featured in Latinnovating volume one, eco fashion designer and children's book author Sandra Artalejo, who launched her Chulita bilingual children's book series at the event. Also joining in was Elizabeth Perez-Halperin, a dynamic entrepreneur whose story will be featured in Latinnovating volume 2.

Testimonial from the event organizer

“The Latino Chamber was deeply honored to have received Ms. Graciela Tiscareno-Sato for our 10th Annual Latino Chamber Business Expo ( to present to our attendees the importance of entrepreneurship and resiliency. Latinos need to hear presentations like Ms. Tiscareno-Sato's to understand that we too can succeed in anything we pursue in life. Her invaluable testimony and award-winning books are great examples of proud Latino leaders in the country. Thank you Graciela!” Jose Beteta, President, Latino Chamber of Commerce, Boulder, CO


Severance Middle School, Windsor, Colorado, September 17th - Advanced Writing Workshop with 48 students who read Latinnovating as part of their G & T program AND "The STEM of Aviation" presentation for different group of students in the afternoon.


From 6th grade student: "We loved the presentation! It was exciting to hear about Grace's life and how she overcame things that would hold her back. We liked that we got to try on her aviator's hat, too."

From 8th grade girl: "I felt honored to be invited for this awesome presentation! I loved hearing about Grace's life story and how she reached her dreams even though, as a Hispanic girl, she would have been held back. I have the same heritage, and I've been told many of the same things that Grace was told as a girl. It's so exciting to have someone inspire me to know that I can follow my dreams, no matter what they are."

From event organizer: "It was a privilege to watch Grace in action as she worked with middle school students at my school. The morning writers' workshop was highly interactive and engaging for the students. I liked hearing their comments about their feelings on sharing their writing and editing others' work. The students seemed to walk away with new tips on writing.  I heard comments about how inspired several students were after hearing Grace speak. I am grateful that my students had the opportunity to spend time with this amazing woman. Thanks for your visit!!" -Jen Maley, Library Media Specialist

Latino Outdoors event with California Historical Society, July 30 - As part of the CHS "Yosemite: A Storied Landscape" exhibition, participation will be on a storytelling panel, contributing stories titled "Touching Yosemite."  San Francisco.


Keynote address - Silicon Valley Adult Education Graduation Ceremony

“Ms. Tiscareno-Sato’s keynote address to the Silicon Valley Adult Education high school graduation class of 2014 hit home a number of times. Whether the adult graduates have been out of school for a year or two or 31 years, they needed to understand the education legacy they were building for future generations as well as themselves, to be reminded that education is an attribute no one can take away, and to hear success stories (as described in Latinnovating and Ms. Tiscareno-Sato’s own history) of those at cultural and mindset/goal crossroads who faced and overcame challenges, just as they have and will.

Ms. Tiscareno-Sato is an inspiring speaker rooted in the reality of the tough choices facing adults reaching milestones. Her message was invaluable!” -Susan A. Glass, Principal, Silicon Valley Adult Education

LISTAS (Latinas in STEM2 To Achieve Success) Inaugural Conference, Cañada College, Redwood City, April 26. "Management and Leadership: Latina Leadership - Creating your own path to success"


Cesar Chavez Commemoration Luncheon Speaker, JFK University, March 31

"We could not have chosen a better closer. Your words and your work inspired. I'm taking the 'Two by 2020 Mentoring Challenge' to heart; I want to let you know that I will be a PUENTE mentor to at least one local DVC student and I will be pushing my staff to take similar actions in the community. Thank you for giving wings to that initiative.  I look forward to continuing to work with you and to playing a supportive role in your ongoing success. You are a true leader."  Mac, JFK University President (after keynote speech at Cesar Chavez Commemorative Lunch)

Americas Latino Festival, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, November 2013

“Graciela was a great addition to the program “Chasing the American Dream” hosted by the Latino Cultural Advisory Committee at the San Mateo Public Library as part of Latino Heritage Month. Her stories and thoughts engaged the audience and moved one man to share his story of coming to America from India with the audience. I greatly appreciated her offer to be a resource to all of the students who were in attendance. It is nice to know there are warm, willing and strong individuals like this in my community.” Alison Day, Librarian, San Mateo Public Library



“Graciela captured the hearts and minds of the people attending our event.  Her compelling story, filled with triumph over challenges, moved the audience to tears, laughter and knowing nods of their heads.  Few speakers have the ability to connect with an audience as well as Graciela – who teaches leadership through her stories and her accomplishments.  Her warmth, wit and grace made her so approachable that after she spoke, she was swarmed by people wanting to continue the conversation which Graciela gladly did!” Cynthia L. Murray, President & CEO, North Bay Leadership Council, Novato, CA

"Ms. Tiscareno-Sato was an awesome and dynamic speaker at our recent symposium 'ReThink, ReDesign, ReBuild Green Careers.' She shared her insights and experiences with the students and attendees on how to use the skills they have to create innovation and get motivated from the examples she shared in her presentation. I recommend her classes and lectures to all who want to be informed and on the cutting edge of what's going on in the green economy and in the Latin community as a whole. I value her insights and contributions to the East bay area community." Kelle Lynch McMahon, CEO, The Green Science Academy


International Latino Book Awards (Latinnovating won in three categories (Best Business Book (1st Place), Best Nonfiction eBook (1st Place) AND Best Young Adult Nonfiction (2nd Place). Hosted by Latino Literacy Now, Instituto Cervantes, New York City

Book reading/signing celebrating the Grand Opening of El Barrio's La Casa Azul Bookstore 143 East 103rd Street, New York City, June 2012


Foothill College (May 2012)

Three classroom lectures (Communications/Speech, College writing/English, Leadership)

"As a community college instructor in Silicon Valley, I've now assigned Latinnnovating to numerous classes. I've watched more than 100 students read, study, and at times devour this book. In it they find three things they hunger for:  courage, commitment, and a vision of the future that includes them.  Surprisingly, this applies just as strongly to non-latino/a students (of all ages, ethnicities, religious social, and economic backgrounds) -- because they can see and recognize many of the same conflicts and concepts from their own culture.  I love the way the book not only challenges but explodes negative stereotypes.  I love its combination of familial and financial wisdom.  I love the author's directness and diligence in hunting down additional resources within each field of endeavor she presents.  Most of all, I love turning the word "disadvantaged" into "creatively advantaged" -- valuing the skills and vision and know-how students already bring with them into the classroom so that they can learn from a place of vision, value, and self-respect. I've given away copies to college-aged friends to help inspire them to take the next step into or beyond school.  I've watched other colleagues from English, Communications, and other fields eagerly adopt the book for their own classes.  And I've just re-ordered the book as a central required reading selection for the next coming academic year!  Meanwhile, for  those of you lucky enough to host Graciela in person on your campus, let me assure you that she is a remarkably polished speaker who knows exactly how to connect with students of all backgrounds and abilities -- because she was very much "in their shoes" once herself. They can sense it and respect it and learn from it in a dozen different ways.  After her lectures on my campus this term, dozens of students eagerly lined up with questions and comments and requests for advice, and Graciela graciously spoke individually and in small groups with each one.  Hers is a vision that can be shared by all." Scott Lankford, Department of English, Foothill College,Foothill College Center for a Sustainable Future

U.C. Berkeley Haas School of Business Latino Business Student Association, Keynote - 14th Annual Banquet “Continuing the Legacy: Past, Present, and Future" April 2011

Foothill College Women's History Month, Author Series (Lecture and Book Signing); Los Altos, CA March 13


Focus the Region Keynote address: "Latinnovating: How Creative Latino Culture is Sparking the Green Economy" CSU-Monterey Bay, March 2012


Green Schools National Conference, Keynote address+, February 2012, Denver, Colorado


Cal Leadership Symposium, Topic: "Women in Leadership" U.C. Berkeley, Feb 2012

Puente Program Southern Regional Conference, University of Southern California,Los Angeles, January 2012

From the event organizer: "On behalf of the Puente Project, I would like to express our deep gratitude to you for your time in participating as a workshop presenter and donating copies of Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them to our 20 Southern California high school teams during the Puente 9th Grade Leadership Conference at the USC campus on Saturday. Your book, Latinnovating, opened the eyes of our 900 Puentistas to expand their knowledge of jobs within the green economy. The stories within Latinnovating are inspiring, each with their unique testimonial of personal and professional commitment to environment preservation, waste management, green education and social activism. We also appreciate your time as a workshop presenter during the conference. Your workshop reflected themes of our conference – including leadership and social activism. For our 9th Grade Puentistas, Latinnovating also showcased exemplary Latino leaders and innovators with whom dedicate their careers to a more green economy. We hope these leaders excite our students and inspire them to participate within the movement. The Puente Project is proud to acknowledge your contributions to inspire our Puentistas. We look forward to working with you again in the near future."  Francine Redada, Community Leadership/Mentoring Coordinator, Puente Program

Sonoma State: Classroom lecture: "Work and the Global Future"

Green Festival, San Francisco

Career Fair at Mission High School, San Francisco, November 8th

Sonoma State, Classroom lecture "Globalization and Race"

"Graciela, thank you again for coming to talk to the AMCS 475 class. The class was appreciative, most of all, of the stories of innovations by Latino entrepreneurs. It was good to see examples of local problems being solved by their innovations. The students, however, disagreed with the neoliberal assumptions about economic globalization, e.g., that a woman in Indonesia making $1.50 a day and an American paying $100 for a pair of shoes is not necessarily a matter of injustice. Or with the view that business and economic imperatives and incentives are more important than other factors like resource depletion, environmental degradation, and cultural homogenization. I understand it wasn't the main intention of your presentation to talk about these 'big' ideas but the students were responding to some of the examples that were given in class. In any case, these are big questions and I'm glad that your presentation gave them the opportunity to test what they know and believe about the effects and consequences of economic globalization." --Dr. Eleneita Strobel, Associate Professor and Chair of American Multicultural Studies Department, Sonoma State

Puente Program High School Leadership Conference *read post at Latinnovating blog here* University of California - Santa Cruz

Toyota - Prius v Launch event, Keynote speaker at media luncheon

Career Action Boot camp, Hosted by On the Move Careers, DeVry University, Oakland

Hewlett-Packard, Hispanic Heritage Month guest speaker, Sept 2011

Notre Dame de Namur University, Aug 2011, Entrepreneurship Class

“Graciela, you did an amazing presentation tonight at NDNU.  I quickly noticed your passion and true feelings about helping people achieve their dreams.  This world needs more people like you. You actively help people reach for their dreams in this country, by sharing the hidden, important success stories of higher education and entrepreneurship in the Latino community. I will tell others about you, your work and the value of your unique book. It was great hearing your speech tonight and to know that I am not alone in my quest for a better, more prosperous life.” Jose González, MBA student, Notre Dame de Namur University

“Thank you for presenting to our entrepreneurship class. Several students expressed to me that they found your presentation full of not only great information, but very importantly, it was also full of inspiration. I will certainly be recommending to the Dean that we invite you back for our Speaker Series. Thank you so much for a great talk. Jordan Holtzman, Director of Graduate Programs, SBM, Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, California

Green Science Academy/DeVry Sustainability Symposium and Job Fair, July 29, DeVry University, Oakland, CA

"Graciela's contribution at the Green Science Academy/DeVry Sustainability Symposium added tremendous value. Her workshop was highly interactive, sharing case studies of real entrepreneurs succeeding in running new, innovative, sustainable businesses. By showcasing actual innovations and the principles behind them, the attendees were able to understand the steps needed to create real change in the green economy. Very importantly, Graciela inspired the audience with the economic opportunities being created by these courageous change agents, and also provided to them resources they can act on today. I highly recommend Graciela as a speaker for any event where participants want to learn how environmental entrepreneurship and innovation is happening. She is a true example of an entrepreneur who is leading in the green economy and one who can be emulated by her peers!" —Christopher Scott, MBA, Graduate Admissions Senior Advisor, Devry University

Bay Area Women of ALPFA Summit, July 14th, San Francisco, CA *see video clip here*

Hayward Main Library July 16, "Meet the Author" book chat and signing

National Hispanic University Summer Bridge program, June 30th *read post at Latinnovating blog here*

Making Waves Academy, July 1st, Richmond, CA  *read post at Latinnovating blog here*

“The pictures are great, the students are beaming with joy. Your presentation was awesome.  You succeeded in weaving the details of your personal and professional life into a story which was both inspiring and motivational.  You demonstrated for students and their teachers that whatever is needed to fulfill their dreams is within their grasps.  Your encouraging message opened their minds, planted seeds of hope in their hearts and showed them that their aspirations are worthy goals. I look forward to having an opportunity to work with you again in the future.” Dr. Evelyn C. Wesley, President, Emeritus, Merritt College

Foothill College, May 19, Author Series, Los Altos, CA

BOOK LAUNCH EVENT *read post at Latinnovating blog here*
May 14th, 2011

Stanford University Faculty Club

Ellen Glasgow Middle School *read post at Latinnovating blog here*
May 4, 2011 , Alexandria, VA

"Graciela, the kids are still talking about your visit. One student went home with her book and made her mom sit down to look at it with her as soon as she walked in the door. We really appreciate the time you took to meet and talk to our students. My only regret is that we couldn’t get you to everyone in the school." —Ray Leonard, science teacher, Glasgow Middle School

*See the story in the school's newsletter here.

Green Economy Business Opportunity Conference, May 3, 2011, Baltimore, MD

California State University – Monterey Bay, April 18th, 2011 - Featured Earth Week speaker“Entrepreneurial Successes in the Green Economy"

Faculty attendees:
“Graciela Tiscareño-Sato is an interdisciplinary thinker marrying green innovations to environmental issues of the day. While she provides important and real life examples in those she has interviewed, she is also a living example of innovation herself. Graciela’s overarching theme is based on the importance of the social network, how it contributes to the historical biography of individual development and the shaping of the Self (in a social psychological sense).” —Armando Arias, Founding Director, Street Smart Think Tank a Division of Solution Strategies, Inc.

"Graciela came to CSU-Monterey Bay to speak during Earth Week. She is an outstanding, knowledgeable and highly motivational speaker. She engaged and motivated many of the students in the audience, and the faculty members as well. She affected this response by the power of her speaking, attention, open-mindedness and energetic presence. After hearing the case studies she shared, I purchased several copies of Latinnovating. I will share with people for whom I know it will make a difference. One of the many things that I appreciated about her presentation was her demonstration of how she herself 'walks the talk' by taking a huge financial and marketing risk in publishing her book in a manner that will reduce its carbon footprint. She is a perfect example of those innovators of whom she writes and of whom many people will look to as a role model." —Dr. Daniel Fernandez, Professor and Chair, Division of Science and Environmental Policy, CSU Monterey Bay

Ohlone College, Raza Day Workshop, April 15th

3rd Annual Women’s Business Expo, March 2012, Concord, CA
"How to Join the Women Leading the Green Economy," presented with Carolina Miranda, Cultivating Capital
Comments from attendees:
"Very informative," "This material is important to every business," "I'd love to have you speak at my college."

Texas State University-San Marcos, Texas, February 15, 2011, Business Leadership Week, Distinguished Lecturer - “Entrepreneurial Successes in the Green Economy: Role Models and Innovations from the Latino Community”; *read post at Latinnovating blog here*

photo by Chandler Prude, TSU Photographer

From Event Organizer: “You were exactly what we were hoping for in a distinguished lecturer and what you shared with the students exceeded our expectations! I know the students learned a lot of valuable lessons through your interactive presentation and remarkable stories about sustainable businesses started by Latinos. It was very special to have you speak about your book, the Latino community and what a difference these business owners have made in our world. It is an area of business that should have more attention. I am glad you could come speak to the students and the San Marcos community to help open their eyes to something new and exciting.” —Arin Ely, Student Development Coordinator & Academic Advisor
McCoy College of Business Administration, Texas State University-San Marcos

From Career Advisor: "Your lecture was both inspiring and entertaining. What I loved most about the stories that you chose to share was the incredible breadth of experiences and knowledge of these innovative successes. Frequently, there isn't one set path that an individual can take, and your stories appropriately illustrate different career journeys (including your own). Thank you so much for your work, and I wish you continued success." LaTonya Henry, Assistant Director Career Services, Texas State University-San Marcos


John Hopkins Carey Business School November 2010  *read post at Latinnovating blog here* - Hosted by National Society of Hispanic MBAs, Washington D.C. chapter; sponsored by SunTrust and the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Moderated a panel entitled “Latinos Shaping the Green Economy”

From Event Organizer: “Moderating a panel means knowing how to keep the attendees’ interest, excitement, and expectations of the event, as well as enabling the panelists to share their knowledge. You can only do this by being knowledgeable of the topic and taking the time to know each of the panelists. Doing all of this is challenging given the time constraints and the breadth of area to be covered. At the National Society of Hispanic MBAs Washington D.C. chapter event called "Latinos Shaping the Green Economy," Graciela Tiscareno-Sato was able to wonderfully meet everybody's expectations. The attendees, panelists, sponsors and our chapter board were very pleased at the end of the event. I want to thank Graciela for doing an excellent job of moderating. I highly recommend her to be in future events and look forward to working with her again.” Mauricio Leyva, Junior Professional Associate, the World Bank and VP of Small Business Development, National Society of Hispanic MBAs D.C. chapter