Green Jobs, Sustainability,Innovation, Latinos, Entrepreneurship
Latest media clip: How Hispanic Small Business Owners are Building Environmentally-Friendly Businesses by Patricia Guadalupe, Jan 2020
Check out my articles at the Huffington Post Green and other sections here. Contributions to Fox News Latino are here.
Named as one of "100 Green Leaders" by PODER Hispanic Magazine; several Latinnovators in Latinnovating book listed too.
"Severance Middle School students learn from local author," Windsor Now! Sept 2014
Whitworth alumna recognized by White House for military service and entrepreneurship (May 1, 2014)
“Festival ambientalista resalta el carácter innovador de los latinos,” La Prensa, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 18, 2013
"13 Hot Books by Sustainability Thought Leaders," Sustainable Brands May 2013
"Immigration or Innovation? What Do We Want Americans to Think about When They Hear ‘Latino’?" Powerful Latinas
"El Centro High Native Recognized for Green Energy Work," April 2013
Graciela Tiscareño Sato – Member of the Month, LAM feature, August 2012
VIDEO Interview with Hispanic Culture Online, hosted by Marcela Hede, July 27, 2012
"Un momento “verde” para los empresarios latinos," United States of America Embassy feature, July 2012. Download article in Spanish here. In English here.
KWMR Radio, "Barrio Vibes" show with host Gus Conde, July 2012 *interview starts at 87:30 point*
"Stepping forward and speaking up: A Latina’s call to action," Vision Hispana, July 5, 2012
"Adelante y levantando la voz: Latina hace un llamado a la acción," Vision Hispana, July 5, 2012
"Ten Latina-authored books for summer," VOXXI June 2012
NEWS RELEASE: "Latina Author Wins Big at NY City International Book Awards, Announces Plans for 1st Children's Book," June 2012
Latino Literacy Now Announces Winners at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards (Latinnovating is winner in three categories: 1st Place Best Business Book, 1st Place Best Nonfiction eBook, 2nd Place Best Young Adult Nonfiction Book)
Latino Literacy Now Announces Finalists for 2012 International Latino Book Awards (Latinnovating is finalist in three categories)
NEWS RELEASE: Latinnovating by Graciela Tiscareño-Sato Wins 1st Place at Latino Books to Movies Awards, April 27, 2012
Latino Literacy Now Announces 2012 Latino Books into Movie Award Winners, April 23, 2012
Profile with Modern Latina, April 23, 2012
"Kicking off Earth Day 2012," Fox News Latino, 4-part series of stories from Latinnovating, April 2012
"Bringing Green Jobs Home: Spotlighting Latino Innovation," April 12, 2012
"Green Power Plays," PODER Magazine, March 2012
"Tomorrow’s Green Jobs for Latinos," PODER Magazine, March 2012
"Author highlights Latino 'creative advantage;” La Voz De Anza Community College student newspaper, March 19, 2012
On KCBS radio with Patti Reising, discussing Green School keynote and book Segment 1 and Segment 2
TV Interview on CBS, Feb 2012
La Voz (Arizona) "La creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según una experta" Feb 28, 2012
La Opinión (Los Angeles) "Latinos impulsan la economía 'verde,' " Feb 28, 2012
Diario Libre (República Dominicana) "Los latinos crean "trabajo verde" en Estados Unidos," Feb 28
Latino California "Hispanos impulsan con creatividad la ‘economía verde,’" Feb 28, 2012
Noticias MSN "Creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según experta," Feb 28, 2012 "Latinos impulsan la economía 'verde,' " Feb 28, 2012
México Informa, "La creatividad y cultura latina impulsan la economía "verde", según una experta," Feb 28, 2012
"Bay Area Author and Entrepreneur to Headline at Green Schools National Conference,", Feb 27, 2012
"Tips for Building a Greener Portfolio," Decisive Latino magazine, Winter 2012
"How to Get a Job in the Green Economy," author interview with Sofia E. Keck of Sell it in Spanish, discussing content and mission of Latinnovating. Nov 2011
Spring 2011, p.46
CBS TV Interview, KPIX Channel 5 Bay Sunday, July 24, 2011
"Ingenieros latinos seleccionados entre compañías startup de élite a nivel mundial," Vision Hispana, Jan 2012
"Learning From Latinos: San Francisco Green Biz Pioneer Hands Off Company to His Kids," Huffington Post, Jan, 2012
“Where Sustainability Movement Meets K-12 Education,” Huffington Post, Jan., 2012
“The Viral Immigration Meme: Did You See The Success Story?” Huffington Post, Jan., 2012
“Iraq Final March Home: Thoughts From a Latina Vet,” Huffington Post, Dec., 2011
"Todo por la cultura ecológica," Semana News, Dec., 2011
“Latino Engineers Selected Among Global Elite Startups,” Huffington Post, Nov., 2011
“Balancing Heritage and Leadership: A Call to Action,” Huffington Post, Oct., 2011
"Sounding Off: Laura Sonderup ¿Cómo se dice “green” en español?" Portada, Oct 21, 2011
"A Teaching Moment About the Green Economy," Huffington Post, Oct 12, 2011
"Hispanic college enrollment surges: College completion still a challenge," Vision Hispana, Sept 3, 2011
"Incrementa la matrícula de hispanos en el colegio," Vision Hispana, Sept 3, 2011
"San Francisco marketer shines light on Latino conservation innovators," Hispanic, Sept 2, 2011
"A Green Moment for Latino Entrepreneurs," U.S. Dept of State interview, Aug 20, 2011
"The Work of a Lifetime; A Latina’s Call to Action," LatinaStyle Magazine, July/Aug 2011
"Cautious optimism for Latino Businesses, Entrepreneurs," Northern Colorado Business Report, July 28, 2011
"Latino Women Need More GRACE," Radio interview, Only3Degrees w/Denai Vaughn, The Networking Queen, July 14, 2011
"Hispanics Rank High on Digital Divide," The New York Times, June 17, 2011
"Hispanics Rank High on Digitial Divide," Inspiration Central, June 17, 2011
"Where Governments Fail, Private Groups Step In to Bridge Digital Divide," The Bay Citizen, June 17, 2011
"Resources," (spotlight on book as resource for university career and academic advisors), The Voice of Hispanic Higher Education, HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities), Spring 2011 issue, p.4
"Find Your Spark," an interview with Tish Berg of TMedia, May 9, 2011
"Living la Vida Verde," BLOG, May 26, 2011
"Silicon Valley Latino Leadership Summit," El Observador, May 25, 2011
"Green Collar Jobs: a Promising Future Outlook," the Otter Realm (CSU Monterey Bay student newspaper), May 5, 2011
"Looking for Opportunities in Green Business," MDbizMedia (Maryland Business News), May 3, 2011
"Latinos en negocios tan "verdes" como sus ganancias," Al Dia News, Philadelphia, PA, April 22, 2011
"Making Recycling Fashionable," -Latino Leaders Magazine (feature about Latinnovator Sandra Artalejo), April 2011
"Latinnovating: Latinos and the green innovation movement," Wired Latinos, April 21, 2011
"A Good Book for the Morning After Earth Day," Sustainable is Good blog, April 20, 2011
Review: April 2011 Book Pick, Powerful, April 4, 2011
Interview with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, with NFTE alumna Maggie Sandoval, March 23, 2011
"Eliminando residuos en la imprenta industrial," Pulso Verde (Spanish blog of the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Councial), March 17, 2011 [Spanish-language summary of Carmen Rad's chapter in Latinnovating]
"Entrepreneur's Book Goes to Press Tomorrow: Latina Mentor Points the Way to Career as 'Green' Economy Innovator," March 17, 2011, Castro Valley, CA
"Highlights and Profiles from the November 2010 Ana Maria Arias Memorial Business Fund Gala Dinner," LatinaStyle Magazine, March 2011 issue
"Making Us Proud," Profile Story, Latina Magazine, April 2011
News Release. Latinos as Green Job Creators: Latinnovating, First Book Showcasing Latino-Led Innovation in the Green Economy, Now Available for Pre-order Ahead of Launch at Stanford University, March 15, 2011, San Francisco, CA
"Comunidad del Valle," NBC Channel 11, KNTV San Jose, aired March 6th 2011. Interview to discuss book.
BlogTalk Radio Show with Daniel Gutierrez, March 2, 2011
"Storyteller Stars from WIN Without Competing! Propelled by Passion", BlogTalk Radio Showwith Dr. Arlene Barro, February 23rd, 2011.
"Latina businesswoman headlines Business Leadership Week," February 8, 2011, San Marcos, TX
News Release. November 15, 2010, Washington D.C, First-Ever Panel Titled “Latinos Shaping the Green Economy” Scheduled for Tuesday Night at D.C. Business School; Author of First Book about Latino-Led Innovation in the Green Economy Will Moderate the Discussion
News Release. Sept 15, 2010, Hayward, CA. Latina Author Receives Congressional Recognition in Nation’s Capital
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Plenary Session: "Green Economy Leading the Way" and Handout of all 2010 Latino Innovators Recognized at this CHCI session
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